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The Snow Ball

Madison Reavis

Due to limited planning time and unknown COVID-19 requirements and happenings, the students of the WCHS Student Government Association decided not to hold a Homecoming Dance this year. Instead, they decided upon a semi-formal at the beginning of December. 

With the SGA Sophomores in charge of the planning and preparations, The Snow Ball will be held on Saturday, December 4, from 7pm-10pm, in the West Carteret Gymnasium.

Students of all grades levels are permitted to come, and tickets will be on sale on GoFan for $15 dollars until noon on December 3. Mrs. Mayo sent out a ticket link to all student emails on November 15. The winter themed ball will have a color scheme of navy, gold, silver, and white. Please note that the color scheme is for decorations, and students are not required to dress in accordance with these colors.

There will be refreshments and a DJ. Everybody better get those dancing shoes ready to dance the night away! Hope to see everybody there!

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