There wanders a lonesome soul
Floating aimlessly alone
Lost in the flow
Time was beginning to have a lifeless touch
So that Halloween already rolled around in a rush
The dead and alive gather together ready to be reckless
Children wearing bright costumes giggled in delight
And all the witches and monsters danced in the moonlight
While this bustling atmosphere gave our poor soul a fright
Amongst the chaos the sound of a cat came through
Most of the time this kind of matter was never worth being pursued
Yet curiosity ignited the want to discover what was new
Every twist and turn was mapped out in their brain
Since their body ceased to remain,
Only past memories were carried on to the next plane
The wind howled harshly in the ghost’s ear
The shuttering of the leaves were coming near
From the shadows a black cat appeared
His green eyes stare at what left of the ghost
The world around the two was being enclosed
At this time of night the noise of trick-or-treaters shouldn’t have been so composed
The soul tried to get away from this feline
Instead they acted more like a guide
When all hope was lost it was time to act benign
The pair did what ghosts do best
They travel around town scaring all who were dressed
For once life was so bliss
The cat stopped in his tracks and when the soul looked over they understood why
There in the distance was a child dressed as witch who like looked as if she was ready to cry
“I finally found you, Sphynx,” she ran up and held him in her arms all teary eyed, “When we get home promise to never leave my side.”
Sphynx looked back at his friend before he went off
Compared to this soul, the girl’s bond was far beyond love
“Go on my friend, I’ll be able to live with loneliness,”
Their paths were no longer interlocked
The ghost felt everything this friend brought
There was comfort in what was lost