I, like many other people, made many lofty plans for 2022. We’re over a month in, and I have not accomplished or started any of them. It’s always tomorrow, or next monday. I found a sheet of paper from 2020 where I had written my resolutions. I hadn’t done any of them either, and many of them were the same ones I made this year. It made me think how quickly the past years have gone by, and if I did just one small thing a day I would be so much better off by now.
That’s why the TED Talk “The first 20 hours, how to learn anything” by Josh Kaufman was interesting to me. He says that spending 20 hours of focused work on something is enough to be pretty proficient, which is about 45 minutes a day for about a month. So this is your motivation to pick a skill or something you want to learn and do it 45 minutes a day for the next month.
In my case, I will start Monday. No one starts anything in the middle of the week.