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The 2021 Seafood Festival

Sarah Windsor

A few weekends ago the Seafood Festival was held again in downtown Morehead City. With it being canceled last year there was extra excitement this year. For me, being relatively new to the area, I was interested to see what the Seafood Festival was all about.

Parking in the port (free parking by the way), gave a grand beginning to entering the Festival. With a wide open parking lot, it looks like the perfect place for a Marvel fight scene. Sunny and sweltering at midday, the hot seafood was not entirely appetizing. The smell in the air switched from fish to fried food in seconds. The giant Geico lizard stood guard and a giant ice cream cone beckoned in the distance. The view of the boats on the sound perfectly added to the festive scene.

There was a big turnout, people from all over come down to Morehead City for the Seafood Festival. It has been going on for thirty-five years as a way to attract tourists to the area in the off season and to display North Carolina’s diverse and delicious seafood. Walking down the street I saw lots of seafood being sold, like the “Angry Lobster Dip,” and “Oyster sandwiches.” The festival is not just seafood though. There is also local jewelry, artwork, and other food such as your typical festival food like funnel cake (my favorite), as well as interesting food you wouldn't normally think about like “Kudzu jelly,” which is jelly made from a kudzu vine that I was tempted to try. Live music at night gives people a reason to come back after the day is over. I enjoyed going to the Seafood festival this year and can’t wait for next year.


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