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Sweater Weather

Sophia Burrows

As the temperature drops, leaves blow, and goosebumps grow, everyone knows. Sweater weather has begun and it’s not just for show. As the last kids hurry into their houses, shivering with what feels like Winter, they sip on warm hot cocoa, wishing away the snow. They get tucked into their beds, loving blankets smothering them, as they fall soundly asleep, cherishing the warmness they now feel, as opposed to the harsh cold they felt moments ago.

As the sun rises, not bringing the coziness with it, one weary girl rubs her eyes, wishing she could stay in bed, wishing she could get the cold to go away. Still, she gets up, putting on her fluffy slippers, trying to trick her mind into staying awake. Deciding what to wear, she puts on a pleasant sweater, knowing it will keep her warm, with its soft fleece and pastel colors, making her think of her bed again, yawning as she tucks away the tag. She runs down the stairs, knowing she was late, but can you blame her, for this type of fate?

She runs after the bus, sighing with a feeling of relief, as it stops, letting her jump on with her tired feet. She skips to the back of the bus, tucking herself into a corner, hoping no one bothers her, so she won’t have to act colder.

She finally arrives at school, clinging onto her sweater as she walks in, feeling the warm fabric against her skin and the memories of last fall that it brings with it. She finds her seat, shifting uncomfortably as she feels the cold plastic under her, daydreaming about the secrets she keeps. As the last bell rings, she runs out to the bus, finding the same old seat she keeps.

She arrives home, yelling to her family of her existence, when she doesn’t hear anything back she decides to go for a walk. While gliding through the street, she feels as if she remembers all the memories from last fall. The leaves changing colors as they get raked up, the pumpkins being carved as pie is being served, and late Halloween costumes still being worn hoping they won’t get torn. All of these distant memories feeling so close as she watches everyone's activities, grasping her sweater again, feeling the cold breeze against her skin, knowing fall is and will always be her favorite thing, knowing sweater weather will always be better.


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